

The call for submissions is now completed.

Instructions to authors

The official language of the Journées de Statistique is French. Of course, non-French speaking authors may present their work in English, while providing an abstract in French. Selection of the submitted proposals will be carried out by the Program Committee.

To submit a communication for the 48e Journées de Statistique, you must prepare:

  1. An abstract, intended for the participants’ booklet, with 250 words. This abstract must be copied in the “Abstract submission form” on the submission website (see below). Its objective is to convey concisely to the reader a clear idea of the subject covered in the paper. You need not mention the title of the communication, the speaker, the co-writers nor the keywords. And please do not add an English translation.

  2. A main topic and a secondary topic, both chosen from the list below and specified on the “Abstract submission” form on the submission website. This research topic is essential for the correct allocation of the submissions between the members of the Program Committee.

    Data mining
    Stochastic Algorithms
    Statistical learning and clustering
    Survival and censored data
    Complex data in life sciences
    Case studies
    Large dimension
    History of the statistics
    Engineering, industry
    Bayesian methods
    Medicine, epidemiology
    Mixture models
    Graphical models
    Insurance, finance
    Semi- and non-parametric models
    Experimental design
    Inverse problems and sparsity
    Quality, reliability
    Mathematical statistics
    Spatial statistics
    Temporal series
    Image treatment
    Extreme values
  3. A written document (2-6 pages long) for the website of the JdS2016, describing the content of the communication. This text must mention the title of the communication, the author(s), their affiliations and addresses. It must also include a French abstract, an English abstract, a list of keywords and a bibliography. It should be uploaded in PDF format on the submission website. Please use one of the following two templates (Latex or /ibre/OpenOffice) to prepare this long text:

Electronic submission process

Submissions are carried out exclusively through MyReview.

If you do not have an account on MyReview, you can create one at the following link: registration form.

If you already have an account on MyReview, you can directly submit your abstract at the following link: submission form.